Increasing Understanding of the Grant-Writing Process


Impact Statement: 
The Cerro Gordo County Department of Public Health (CGCDPH) used PDSA to improve its process for applying for grants and involving all staff in understanding the process.

CGCDPH had an existing process for writing grant applications. One person was primarily responsible for finding grant funding sources that met department priorities, helping employees and partners shape projects to meet program and funders’ needs, and writing and submitting applications. This grant writer’s role became unwieldy with staff turnover, failure of staff to follow the established process, and an increase in identifying potential grants (i.e., opportunities that had not been assessed for “fit” with the department). A quality improvement (QI) team was established to improve the grant-writing process. The team aimed to ensure that almost all grant coordinators (employees who manage grants and participate in the grant application process) fully understood the process. Although the team fell just a few percentage points shy of the aim, many improvements were made to the process and to employees’ understanding of the process. Other benefits of the QI effort included employee empowerment to search for and determine whether the funding opportunity fits into CGCDPH priorities and the establishment of one location for all grant application tools. 

Organization that conducted the QI initiative: 

Vogelson, K. Public Health Quality Improvement Exchange. Increasing Understanding of the Grant-Writing Process. Wed, 06/13/2018 - 10:33. Available at Accessed July 3, 2024.

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