News and Events

PHQIX Webinar Now Archived!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015 - Thank you to everyone who participated in last week’s PHQIX webinar, Customer Satisfaction in Public Health: An Important Part of Your Quality Journey. This webinar along with associated slides and materials have now been archived on the PHQIX Videos and Webinars webpage. Be sure to stay tuned for news on other upcoming webinars!

QI Innovator Award Nominations Now Being Accepted!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015 - We are excited to announce the third round of QI Innovator nominations! The QI Innovator Award honors QI practitioners and recognizes their hard work in championing a QI effort and culture. Winners will receive a special feature story on the PHQIX website and in the QualityMatters newsletter, a commemorative plaque, and a letter of recognition and appreciation. Peer nominations will be accepted until December 18, 2015 and can be found here or under the Community tab on the PHQIX website. Follow this link to read up on previous winners and take this opportunity to honor a QI Innovator who inspires you!

New QI Video Highlights Washington County, Minnesota!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015 - Washington County Department of Public Health and Environment improved the process of renewing annual hazardous waste licenses to over 500 hazardous waste generators. Approximately 75% of renewals contained one or more defects which slows the process, consumes unnecessary time by the inspectors and reduces their time available for outreach and technical assistance. The team utilized a Kaizen event to understand the current process and exceeded their goal of decreasing the time by 50%! Check out the video at the bottom of the PHQIX homepage and read more about this QI initiative here!

New PHQIX Feature: Favorites Locker

Wednesday, September 9, 2015 - PHQIX is excited to announce a new website feature, the Favorites Locker! The Favorites Locker allows you to save your favorite pages, articles, or comments on PHQIX by selecting the green star located at the bottom of the page or comment. Selecting this star will save the item to your "My Favorites" page, which you can access under the "Account" tab at the top of your screen. The favorites feature can be found on the following PHQIX pages: Ask an Expert, Community Forum, News and Events, QI Spotlight articles, and QI Initiatives.

New QI Spotlight Article!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015 - Check out our latest QI Spotlight article, Root Cause: The Foundation of Successful Improvement!

"Are you frustrated by improvement actions that don't create the level of improvement you expected? Do the problems you've tackled continue after the quality improvement (QI) project is completed? One answer to your frustration and disappointment is to understand and apply the concepts and tools of root cause analysis to your problem!" Read the full article here!

Submit a Question to the PHQIX Expert Panel

Thursday, August 20, 2015 – Did you know that you can submit a question regarding quality improvement in public health to our Expert Panel? If you’d like to submit a question, check out our “Ask an Expert – Submit a Question” page! Just interested in reading our Ask an Expert articles? Check them out here!

PHQIX Feature Section: QI Spotlight

Tuesday, August 11, 2015 - PHQIX is excited to announce the launch of the QI Spotlight page! This page will feature articles that highlight exemplary work in QI and will help readers understand why these examples stand out. Click here to read our first article: What are goal and aim statements and why are they important? Stay tuned for more feature articles on the QI Spotlight page!


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