Improving Immunization Data Entry Timeliness into the State Registry


Impact Statement: 
The number of flu vaccines provided by Cerro Gordo County Department of Public Health (CGCDPH) has risen greatly, with many flu vaccination sites around the rural county. As the number of vaccines rose, the ability to enter the vaccines into the state immunization registry fell, and 57% of flu vaccines were not entered within 7 days of vaccination. A comprehensive QI project identified multiple causes, and multiple process changes were implemented, resulting in a rate of only 1.34% not entered within 7 days, exceeding the goal.

CGCDPH’s Acute Infectious Disease, Epidemiology and Preparedness (AIDEP) Department administers more than 2,000 of flu, pneumococcal conjugate (PCV13), and polysaccharide (PPSV23) vaccinations during September, October, and November. Immunizations are administered by one full-time nurse at our walk-in immunization clinic and one to three nurses and support staff at more than 70 outreach flu clinics in the county. The outreach locations include senior centers and residential living facilities, schools, daycares, and businesses. Many of the outreach flu clinics are scheduled outside of normal working business hours. Other job responsibilities have to continue in addition to these services, which negatively affected staff morale and data entry timeliness into the Iowa Immunization Registry Information System (IRIS). Timely data entry of all vaccinations administered is not only a best practice, but is also important for other health care providers to know, particularly for children who need a second flu vaccine booster.

Organization that conducted the QI initiative: 

Bjorklund, B. Public Health Quality Improvement Exchange. Improving Immunization Data Entry Timeliness into the State Registry. Tue, 06/26/2018 - 15:16. Available at Accessed July 3, 2024.

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