Customer Satisfaction Survey Improvement Process


Impact Statement: 
Implementing an improved process to collect customer feedback resulted in a staggering increase in customer satisfaction survey responses, from an average of 12 per month to more than 1,000 per month. The feedback will greatly enhance Manatee County Health Department’s (DOH-Manatee’s) performance improvement activities.

DOH-Manatee in Florida increased customer survey responses (by using electronic surveys offered on tablets) from an average of 12 customer responses per month in 2015 to an average of more than 1,000 customer responses per month during the last 6 months of 2017.

Organization that conducted the QI initiative: 

Drawdy, L. Public Health Quality Improvement Exchange. Customer Satisfaction Survey Improvement Process. Wed, 04/04/2018 - 12:29. Available at Accessed July 3, 2024.

Submission Status: 
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Submitted by margyrob on

When we suggested the use of tablets in one of our clinics, there was concern that the tablets might disappear.  However attaching them really restricted where clients could sit to fill out the survey and we think that had an impact on how many surveys were filled out. Did you deal with such an issue?  If so, what did you do?  If not, did any of the tablets disappear? 

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Margy Robinson MPH
HIV Care Services Mgr.
Multnomah County Health Dept.
Portland, OR

Submitted by DrawdyLX on

We did initially have concerns over that.  Our process is for the employee checking the customer out to ask the customer to take the survey and hand the tablet to the customer.  The customer completes the survey and hands the tablet back.  Our survey is only 5 questions, is in 5th grade language and both English and Spanish, and typically only takes a moment to complete.  If the customer leaves comments (and many do) it takes a little longer.  We have had no tablets disappear since we began (over 2 years now).

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Lynne Drawdy

Submitted by NIngold on

I apologize if I missed it; however, would you be willing to share the actual survey you are using? 



Nicole Ingold

Peoria City/County Health Department

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Submitted by DrawdyLX on

Of course.  It's an e-survey using Survey Monkey.  For some reason I cannot copy and paste the survey link into this comment box, but if you will email me at I will send you the survey link for Clinical Services.  All others are similar but we can customize these as needed.  For example, the question regarding customer requirements is only done one month out of the year (to validate customer requirements).  And when we have a high no-show rate we add a question re customers receiving a reminder call.  

Hope this helps.  Please feel free to contact me if you need any addtional information.

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Lynne Drawdy

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