NNPHI Kaizen Program: Client Feedback Process


Impact Statement: 
Clackamas County, Oregon conducted a comprehensive Kaizen project to design and implement a customer feedback system for the entire public health division. The process and tools used for the project are well described and easy to adapt by other health departments. While Clackamas has not yet achieved their targets for the improvement (monthly completed feedback forms increased from 8 to 21), the lessons learned while conducting the project and the examples of tools and methods makes this project well worth reviewing.

A gap was identified within the client feedback process at Clackamas County Public Health Division (CCPHD). (Not enough feedback was being gathered from clients to make improvements.) The goal of the quality improvement (QI) initiative was to increase client feedback received across all of CCPHD's programs and services so that (1) division improvements would stem from and focus on client satisfaction, (2) clients receive quality services that meet their unique needs, (3) clients know they have an avenue to provide feedback to CCPHD, (4) clients feel confident their feedback will help shape improvements to the services provided by their local health department, (5) staff gain knowledge and experience in implementing QI projects, and (6) staff are aware of the process to solicit feedback from the individuals they serve. Success was measured by the increasing number of completed client feedback forms and division improvements implemented based on feedback received each quarter.

Organization that conducted the QI initiative: 

Mason, P. Public Health Quality Improvement Exchange. NNPHI Kaizen Program: Client Feedback Process. Wed, 09/10/2014 - 14:52. Available at http://phqix.org/content/nnphi-kaizen-program-client-feedback-process. Accessed July 22, 2024.

Submission Status: 
0 users have voted.


Submitted by Kpreihs on

Kane County Health Department is currently examining our customer feedback process in an effort to improve services offered. It appears as though we are comparable to Clackamas County's initial state and have similar areas of improvement. Although we do not have the staff capacity to complete a four day Kaizen, our QI committee plans to borrow discussions from this submission and QI tool usage to frame our conversation. Thank you for providing a very detailed submission that can be learned from and easily tweaked to fit our agencies needs.

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AprilHarris's picture
Submitted by AprilHarris on

Great work Philip - TRDHD is going to be working to improve client feedback. We hope to use some of the excellent work you did with CCHD.

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Submitted by margyrob on

I'd be really interested to see what your feedback forms look like.  Do you ask specific questions or is it a comment card where clients can provide whatever feedback they want to give? 

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Margy Robinson MPH
HIV Care Services Mgr.
Multnomah County Health Dept.
Portland, OR

Link to the resource where this submission is also published: 