Increasing Provider Productivity at a Homeless Shelter–Based Clinic


Impact Statement: 
The health department was concerned about a falling rate of visits by homeless people to the federally funded Health Care for Homeless project despite an increase in the homeless population. They investigated the causes and made several changes including implementing a process for walk-in service, and were able to increase the number of visits by 30% within a five month period.

Hennepin County chose to use a formal quality improvement (QI) project to address a growing concern that while the number of homeless individuals using homeless shelters in Hennepin County increased, the number of clinic visits at Health Care for the Homeless Project (HCHP) clinics decreased. A QI team was identified and chosen based on their knowledge and role within HCHP. The team included not only the full spectrum of operational, clinical, and managerial perspectives; it included seasoned as well as new staff.

The team initiated a QI project with the aim statement to increase by 50% the number of provider and public health nursing (PHN) encounters per clinic hour from

Organization that conducted the QI initiative: 
Hennepin County Human Services and Public Health Department

Brummel, D. Public Health Quality Improvement Exchange. Increasing Provider Productivity at a Homeless Shelter–Based Clinic. Fri, 11/17/2017 - 11:14. Available at Accessed July 3, 2024.

Submission Status: 
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Grace Gorenflo's picture
Submitted by Grace Gorenflo on

Thanks for sharing your work. It sounds as though one of the issues that you initially sought to address was no-show rates, and I'm wondering whether that was something you ended up pursuing? Also, given what you learned about some of the difficulties in implementing new policies, I'm wondering if what you learned through this experience has been applied in introducing other new policies -- either in the HCHP clinic or other parts of the health department? I look forward to learning more about this effort!

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