We are involved with what we are calling QI2, a project continuing our work to improve customer service from the Public Health Lab to Local Health Departments (LHD). This is a take off on QI1 which was a pilot in an urban Local Health Department. Are any of you working on new or follow-on projects between your state Performance Improvement Program and Local Health Departments? If so, will you share your project, methodology, and what you hope to accomplish? Thank you in advance.
We offered mini grants ($5
We offered mini grants ($5,000) to LHDs to kick-start their QI activities. We offered a template and calls for TA as well. It was really great to see the wonderful projects that came out of the grants. The LHDs were grateful for the little boost of dollars too. We are working to put all the projects on our internet site so that LHDs can share best practices and learn what each other are doing in the world of QI. Lots of them were looking at same day scheduling, so this was great to showcase one LHD that had success with this in terms of lowering their no show rate tremendously. The LHDs are doing some fantastic work. We offered mini-grants through a competitive process 2 years in a row through NPHII funding.
C. Janie Cambron, RS, BS, MPH
Program Manager, EnviroHealthLink, Kentucky's Environmental PH Tracking Network
Kentucky Department for Public Health
Phone: 502-564-4537 ext. 4088;