Advancing health equity through accreditation

Mon, 11/26/2018 - 10:59 -- L.Guzman
Dear Colleagues, I’m writing to share Human Impact Partners’ (HIP) recently released blog on how PHAB can raise the bar on health equity through accreditation standards. Their blog summarizes some of their key recommendations from the paper that PHAB commissioned of HIP earlier this year. As a project advisor, I know that there are some valuable recommendations and resources not just for PHAB but also to us as health departments that are simultaneously pursuing accreditation and wanting to advance health equity. In particular, the full report talks about how synergistic and complimentary pursuing accreditation can be to advancing health equity (e.g. both help prep the organization for working together to achieve cross-departmental goals) and offers suggestions of how to advance equity within each of PHAB’s 12 domains. Thus far, HIP’s report has been used to inform PHAB’s Health Equity Think Tank in June 2018 and hopefully many of their recommendations will be included in PHAB’s Version 2.0 to be released in 2020 or so. I encourage you to take a few moments to read their blog that summarizes the report’s key recommendations: And/or to skim the full report: If you have any questions or comments, you can email Megan Gaydos, the project’s coordinator at And please share with your colleagues/networks that are involved in accreditation. Thanks so much! Ellen Rabinowitz, Health Officer, Washtenaw County Health Department, Michigan
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