Building Performance Management and Continuous Quality Improvement Capacity Among Alabama’s Title X Family Planning Providers at the Local Level in Order to Improve Health Care Delivery


Impact Statement: 
The Alabama state health department trained local health department family planning clinic staff in QI. The QI tools provided helped staff analyze current procedures and identify service delivery bottlenecks and then design interventions resulting in increased capacity and a reduction in waiting times .

Health departments face unprecedented fiscal challenges that threaten their ability to prevent disease and promote health in their communities. Approaches to maintaining a high level of performance and improving community health outcomes with the same or reduced resources are needed. State offices often are challenged to provide the technical expertise regarding performance management (PM) and quality improvement (QI) to every clinical site in a timely manner. A partnership between the Region IV, Title X Regional Training Center for Family Planning (RTC), Cicatelli Associates Inc., the Alabama Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-funded National Public Health Improvement Initiative (NPHII), and the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) afforded Alabama’s Title X Program an opportunity to offer state-wide training in PM and Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) that resulted in increased staff capacity to maximize existing resources using basic CQI tools to improve health care delivery systems. These concepts provide the framework for an interactive Training-of-Facilitators (TOF) that supports implementation of strategies that increase access to services and reduce clinical wait times with the same or reduced resources at the local level. Participants received tools and guidance for analyzing and assessing clinic performance data; analyzing and understanding client cycle time, including contact and non-contact time; and use of best practices for managing clinic flow and appointment scheduling toward maximizing staff productivity, meeting program goals, and increasing access to services. Participants concluded the training by developing preliminary clinic improvement strategies (using Plan Do Check/Study Act [PDCA/PDSA]) that included elements for performance and impact measurement and maintaining sustainability of improvement efforts. At the close of the TOF, clinic teams (eight teams) were tasked with implementation of the CQI Improvement Plan within 8 weeks for their pilot county. Clinic teams were to then repeat the CQI process with implementation in two other clinic sites within their area by June 30, 2012. Currently, 27 county health departments are participating with expansion to 64 counties expected in 2013.

Organization that conducted the QI initiative: 
Alabama Department of Public Health

Jones, M. Public Health Quality Improvement Exchange. Building Performance Management and Continuous Quality Improvement Capacity Among Alabama’s Title X Family Planning Providers at the Local Level in Order to Improve Health Care Delivery. Mon, 12/31/2012 - 15:19. Available at Accessed July 22, 2024.

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