Maintaining the Momentum around QI

Grace Gorenflo's picture
Mon, 11/21/2016 - 14:27 -- Grace Gorenflo

While we have had some great exchanges about getting started with QI, we haven't heard much from the field about maintaining momentum and staff involvement.  What are some strategies that you have used to keep QI "fresh" and continue the journey toward an organizational QI culture?  It would be great to learn about successes as well as challenges that have been encountered.

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Submitted by MelodyR on

Hi Grace,

In October, state, local, tribal, and public health institute staff participated in a half-day QI/PM learning session at Michigan's Premier Public Health Conference. The goal, consistent with years' past, was to provide an orientation to quality improvement and performance management, which included peer-to-peer learning opportunities. New this year, was the addition of a Mr. Potato Head exercise to demonstrate the PDSA method of improvement. Session evaluations indicated Mr. Potato Head provided a memorable and fun experience for participants! To sustain momentum, we are planning on expanding our use of Mr. Potato Head as a fresh approach to making QI "real" for public health professionals in Michigan.

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Rachel Melody, MPH, ASQ-CQPA, CQIA
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services

Submitted by eturturici on

Hi Grace,

Over the past few months, the Philadelphia Department of Public Health has been working on how to continue to build a culture of quality and reach out to staff at all levels.

In September, the Performance Management Unit asked QI Council members for their input on ways to communicate information about performance management and quality improvement (PMQI) to PDPH staff. One suggestion was to create posters highlighting QI.

Four posters were created to highlight key components of QI and encourage staff from all levels to become aware and involved with QI. The poster themes were: consumer, continuity, data, and teamwork. A hyperlink was included on the bottom of each poster to drive staff to a new PMQI page on the Health Department’s Intranet. This page educates staff on what is PMQI and provides additional resources and training opportunities.

A set of posters was distributed to each program area and have been displayed throughout the various buildings our staff work in (17 facilities). To maintain this momentum, the Performance Management Unit plans to continue working with the QI Council to routinely develop new ways to reach out to staff.

A PDF of each poster is attached below.


Emily Turturici

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Emily Turturici
Performance Management Analyst
Philadelphia Department of Public Health
1401 JFK Boulevard, Suite 600
Philadelphia, PA 19102

Submitted by gkroberts on

Hi Grace,

We have required all of our 28 programs to submit 1 completed QI project for the past fiscal year, and submit a proposal for the next QI project. The first round was done for FY15 and the submitted projects were not "real" PDSA cycles so we implemented an in-house QI 101 (basics) training, along with introducing a PDSA storyboard template that supported FY16 program QI projects. These projects are presented to the Health Director every fall.

Outcomes of this requirement have shown programs slowly getting more staff involved, doing more projects, and even competing with other programs to do better projects. This requirement forced program managers to put QI into action, and once they saw the benefits and ease of the process, it became a highlight rather than a burden. This has helped our agency diffuse a culture of quality further than just QI training/basics. I am happy to share the projects and/or discuss the process further if you like.

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Gurleen Roberts, MPH
Director of Quality Management
Cobb & Douglas Public Health
Marietta, GA

Submitted by Torney Smith on

Nice examples presented. Thanks for htis discussion Grace. For us working to keep QI fresh is happening with a Learning Co-Op done annually that incorporates just in time learning to assist staff with their projects at the point in progress where they are currently working.

As we work toward reaccreditaiton there is attention to how our quality management projects address the PHAB requirements.

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Submitted by tkane on

In Kansas, the Department of Health & Environment convenes a quality council that is charged with executing the organization's QI plan. The agency also convenes a QI community of practice that meets frequently for peer to peer learning. Additionally, in January 2017, KDHE QI coaches will provide training to a LHD in Kansas that currently lacks internal capacity to provide QI training. Lots of good work happening at KDHE related to QI. 


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