Increasing Enrollment in the Early Intervention Program


Impact Statement: 
The Washington state health department conducted a Kaizen event to streamline the application process for HIV positive Washington state residents with low incomes to receive coverage. Multiple improvements were made, several target goals were exceeded, resulting in quicker access to life-saving medications and medical services. The implementation of all steps and monitoring of further improvement is in progress.
Washington State Department of Health's (DOH's) HIV Client Services Program contracts with Evergreen Health Insurance Program (EHIP) to make premium payments on behalf of Early Intervention Program (EIP) clients and to assist these clients with navigating and understanding health insurance options in Washington State. The data exchange for shared clients between EIP and EHIP is a manual process that typically involves three EIP staff and at least two EHIP staff, who sometimes engage in duplicative steps. The delay in information exchange and likelihood of data entry errors can be costly for the program and can create access barriers for clients. The ultimate goal of the project is to increase enrollment into EHIP by April 1, 2014.
Organization that conducted the QI initiative: 
Washington State DOH

Ehri, D. Public Health Quality Improvement Exchange. Increasing Enrollment in the Early Intervention Program. Wed, 03/08/2017 - 13:02. Available at Accessed July 3, 2024.

Submission Status: 
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Grace Gorenflo's picture
Submitted by Grace Gorenflo on

Thanks for sharing your effort! You have an impressive and compelling array of improvements. Look forward to seeing how more efficiencies are gained as additional improvements are planned and implemented!

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Submitted by QIangeloni on

A question about the preparation of your project: Your narrative says that the team met 4 times in the preplanning to develop the aim statement, charter, define logistics and team members. Were the 4 meetings for preplanning seen as too much to prepare? were there any concerns about that? I know there is a lot of work to do before to make the event successful, but I'm wondering how you did it. I'm starting a project and had a first meeting for 1 hour just to look at the baseline data and we had a lot of questions and issues that came up, so I know we need more meetings before the event. Just wondering how your strategy worked. Your comments/tips are appreciated! thanks,

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Magali Angeloni, DrPH, MBA
Rhode Island Department of Health's Academic Center Director

Submitted by margyrob on

I look forward to hearing about your IT options. Sharing data is becoming more and more necessary and increasingly challenging at the same time. For coordination of care efforts we want to share as much as possible but differing data systems, and in some cases, privacy laws make it difficult to figure out.

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Margy Robinson MPH
HIV Care Services Mgr.
Multnomah County Health Dept.
Portland, OR

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